Color Spaces and Management

This is where things get complicated. Although we have standard color spaces we must adhere to, the color spaces that cameras use favor their image creation Therein is the complication.

Color Spaces and Management

Developed by Robert Trim, Intro To The Digital Imaging Technician Course

Once you grasp color spaces, then it's time to wade a bit deeper looking at how they will affect camera settings and moving files into another color space. A bit deeper dive into color spaces, RGB, Additive vs Subtractive, Linear vs Log exposures.


This lesson brings clearity to:

• Additive vs Subtractive color spaces

• Linear, Log and Exponential exposures

• Where important color space and exposures must be made

• Consquences of moving from one color space to another

Robert Trim

Robert Trim

Instructor, FilmSkills Salt Lake, Utah
Robert Trim has spent more than 30 years in a wide variety of the film and video production industry. With his first fascination being the still image, Robert put himself through college photographing models portfolios, corporate brochures and annual reports, product photography and lots of painful weddings and baby portraits.

Then the moving image caught his eye. 16mm film became a passion. The frames whirred, the labs processed and late nights were spent hunched over editing benches with the ever-so-lovely smell of splicing glue.  This gave way to the new media--videotape. Immediate gratification. Shoot it and see it right away. Albeit black and white, using really bulky gear and not so portable cameras. Never mind.  It was cool.

After the undergraduate degree in Communications (film production with marketing minor), Robert worked in the industry for 20 years. As creative director for a regional advertising agency serving 400 Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise stores, and more auto dealers than one could shake a stick at. And of course the odd clothing store or real-estate development marketing firms. Along the way, he garnered several regional and national advertising awards and added 300 TV and radio commercials to his portfolio.

During his 8-year stint in the broadcast News business, he edited and produced his way to 11 Regional News Emmy awards working for networks and network affiliates.

Robert delved deeply into corporate and educational media production, producing more than 400 program-hours of educational telecourses, corporate promotional, and product videos while running a production facility for 15 years.

Along the way, he found a few hours to help raise a family and finish a Masters Degree in business administration.

Robert’s a retired Associate Professor of Digital Media at Utah Valley University located in Orem, Utah, just south of Salt Lake City. He’s a Fulbright Specialist, an AVID Certified Instructor for Media Composer and AVID Symphony software, and ((RADAR)) DIT certified, and DaVinci Resolve certified trainer.  He teaches these and color correction in addition to his first love—cinematography world wide.