Directing - The Directors Craft

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  • This course is open for 1 weeks
  • 15 lesson series
  • 6 hours, 25 minutes of video
  • Illustrated Tutorials
  • Hundreds of test questions
  • Projects and Exercises

Students will learn the cinematic language and techniques for interpreting the story and crafting a visual experience that compliments the actors’ performances. The video-based lessons in this class include how to begin a project, break down the script for story and character, plan the look of the visual story, properly shoot a scene, effectively block actors for both story and function, successfully utilize basic and advanced coverage techniques as well as how to storyboard and shot list the movie.

The contributors to this class are Emmy and Academy-Award-winning filmmakers who reveal the techniques they’ve learned throughout their careers.

In addition to the lessons, this class also contains a number of other resources, including:

  • Hundreds of test questions - Simply use the FilmSkills Test Manager to mix and match questions from each lesson to create unlimited, fully-customizable tests.
  • Projects and Exercises - Choose from nearly a dozen projects that can be assigned, submitted, and graded... all inside FilmSkills.
  • Downloads and Web Links - Many lessons contain a wealth of samples, downloadable files, and examples students can apply to their own projects.


In addition, this FilmSkills Class includes a suite of classroom management tools, including:

  • Integrated Class Calendar – Sync classroom events, lessons, tests, and projects with all the students in this class.
  • Discussion Forums – Create group discussions, direct message individual students in this class, and post announcements to the entire class.
  • Upload your own files and weblinks – Customize this class with your own materials and web links.
  • Track student progress  – Built in video tracking lets you see who is watching the videos, and who isn't.
  • Class and Student GradeBooks – Track student attendance and participation, test and project results, and add external grades with ease.

The FilmSkills Directors Craft Class is an engaging, video-based series that fully replaces the textbook by engaging students with expert advice and interactivity.



The lessons
  • Directing Actors on Set

    Learn what to say to an actor at the beginning of every scene – 30 seconds before you call action and 30 seconds after you call cut, learn how to rehearse on set, establish strong blocking, and how to help actors balance their performance with the technicalities of film production.
  • Directing Extras

    Learn how to find extras, the right way to direct them, how to cheat them on set, liability concerns and how to avoid them, logistics on the shooting day, and the most common problems filmmakers encounter when working with extras
  • Script Supervisor

    Learn the duties and responsibilities of the script supervisor, from maintaining continuity to preparing the script notes.
  • A Director's Prep - Beginning the Project

    Learn how to begin the directing process, read the script for the first time, best prepare long before you even set foot on set, and how to breakdown the script for character and story.
  • How to Shoot a Scene

    Learn the process of how to shoot a scene: blocking, light, rehearse, tweak, and shoot.
  • Blocking Actors

    Learn how to block the actors, what story cues to look for, how to drive the blocking emotionally, and how to work with the actors to get the best physical performance possible.
  • Basic Coverage

    Learn the basic template for shooting the action in a scene - the master, coverage, inserts and cat-in-the-window shots, learn how to vary shot size to increase coverage, break the standard, plan for the edit, and ensure you get the coverage you need.
  • Advanced Coverage

    Learn how to craft a oner, create a psychological impact for each shot, create compelling establishing shots, manipulate the pacing and rhythm of a scene, determine the opening visual, and enhance transitions from one scene to the next.  
  • Directing a Chase Scene

    Television director Gil Bettman shows you how to direct a dynamic, exciting chase scene on a low budget.
  • Storyboards and Pre-Visualization

    Learn how to work with a storyboard artist, use pre-visualization software, know how detailed storyboards should be, creative restrictions to be aware of, how to create storyboards even if you can't draw, and when to use animatics.
  • Creating a Shotlist

    Learn how to create a shot list, location requirements, how to decide your shots, the elements in a shotlist, how the shot lists are used to schedule and budget a film, and to prepare for days when you go over schedule or over budget.
  • How to Create Invisible Camera Moves

    Veteran Director Gil Bettman reveals inside-industry techniques for creating dynamic, yet invisible camera moves that engage the audience.
  • Continuity and Script Notes

    Learn how the script supervisor tracks continuity and how to create a continuity notebook.
  • Reality Show Interview Techniques

    Learn interview techniques on reality TV shows from veteran realty producer, Troy DeVolld.
  • The Visual Story

    Learn how to use visual elements of shape, space, line, color, rhythm, movement and tone to frame the story.